Life is unpredicatable and the one constant is change. In your life, you will encounter many different seasons that you will have to adapt to accordingly. No matter what the season or what you may encounter, be encouraged.
We don't know what you're up against or where you are on your journey, but wherever you are, we felt the need to tell you to keep going and to keep pushing. Don't worry about what others are doing or accomplishing, worry about you. Focus on what God called you to do and perfecting your craft. We often get discouraged because we focus on where we're not in life instead of praising God in advance for where we're going. Rome wasn't built in a day, and you won't be either.
Don't get down on yourself, instead be encouraged that what's for you is for you. Nobody can steal or take away what God has for you. Be encouraged to know that the gifts God has placed on the inside of you are for a purpose. Take time to perfect your craft, study, and be better. This is your time to do the work. This is your time to figure it out, make mistakes, and craft your master plan. This is your time to create who you've always wanted to be.
So often, we get discouraged when things don't go our way, we don't get what we want or when we're at a low place in our life. It happens, we've both experienced it. It's ok to feel how you feel, feel every inch of that emotion. Deal with it, confront it, and pray on it. Then do things to get back to who you are authentically. Do what makes you happy, smile, and laugh until tears roll down your face.
In this season of your life, you're planted so that you can grow into who you're meant to be. Be encouraged that your time is coming, you're enough, and that all things are working for your good.